How to earn money by doing nothing (silly method)

How to earn money by doing nothing?



Bagaimana mendapatkan uang dari Internet hanya dengan duduk manis? ya, pertanyaan ini hampir banyak ditanyakan di komunitas/blogger dunia maya. sayang beberapa dari komunitas blog-blog lokal jarang sekali memberikan secara detail trik bagaimana mereka bisa meraih dollar di Internet.  disini saya akan coba menjelaskan bagaimana meraih dollar dengan hanya duduk manis. mungkin tulisan akan dibagi dalam beberapa bagian karena begitu kompleks dari masing2 cara beserta triknya.

Secure Internet Transaction (Rekber Kaskus & TokoBagus)

Alhamdulillah bisa ngeblog lagi setelah beberapa waktu site ini sempat offline,selain karena perpanjang domain juga database dan script php yg hilang oleh defacer :D

Dalam tulisan blog kali ini saya akan membahas  "Online secure transaction" atau keamanan transaksi dalam perdagangan dunia maya,dan juga  beberapa tips/trik mendapatkan item/barang dengan harga di bawah harga pasaran, yang akan saya bahas disini transaksi lokal dulu (karena cangkupannya lumayan kompleks) mungkin lain waktu saya bahas transaksi perdagangan online worldwide (mancanegara).

beberapa tipe transaksi dalam perdagangan online:

Dream Home... Someday

One of these days I'd like to own a home like this. Doesn't it look so peaceful?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In quis ante ipsum, a laoreet lorem. Fusce elementum, lacus vitae tristique sollicitudin, magna ipsum tristique elit, in sodales urna ipsum vel diam. Integer ante risus, ultricies sit amet fermentum nec, vestibulum consectetur tortor. Curabitur risus ipsum, elementum in accumsan non, tincidunt quis libero. Suspendisse mollis suscipit gravida. Curabitur nulla lacus, venenatis vel commodo id, ultricies et odio. In pharetra, tellus sit amet viverra eleifend, sem mi faucibus dolor, at mollis dolor erat eget est. Aliquam id est sed lectus hendrerit lacinia ac vitae diam. Vivamus pharetra lobortis purus molestie vulputate. Donec vel nibh erat, ac vulputate dui. Praesent eros turpis, rutrum non imperdiet fringilla, vestibulum id enim. Ut mattis feugiat sollicitudin.

Leaving on a jet plane...

My first day started out with me packing at home, fairly early in the morning. I was able to get all packed and ready to leave in only a few hours. Our group planned to meet at the Sioux Falls airport by 1PM to catch the 3PM plane to Minneapolis. At 11:30, my grandparents and I left for Sioux Falls. My grandparents wanted to drive so they could spend some time with me before I left, talk about the trip, and say their goodbyes. Once we got to Sioux Falls, we had to make a quick trip to Wal-Mart to pick up some supplies -- socks and a foreign power converter for my laptop. It took me awhile to make it through Wal-Mart and find what I needed, so we didn't make it to the airport until slightly after 1PM.

I had never flown out of Sioux Falls and was curious what it was like. I had only flown out of Minneapolis because the ticket prices are usually a lot cheaper. Because of Sioux Fall's super-small size, getting through security was a breeze. Well, almost....

Do you sell domain names?

Check out this Wordpress theme, Domena. Over the last several months we set out to fill the gap between the needs of our customers and the demand for something that didn't exist.

Introducing our latest Wordpress Theme, Domena.