Privacy on the Internet (Social Networking Sites)

After considerable research at uni into Social Networking Sites (SNS) and the way they treat users Privacy I am considering deleting anyrelated about my self on SNS accounts.

The question I pose is whether you as internet users are worried about your Privacy? especially on SNS if you use them. But also generally on the internet.
Do you post pictures, and information about yourself?

Do you understand potential risks?

Do you worry about who controls your information and what they might do with it?

Or does this not bother you at all?

Information on internet users is big business, pretty much everything you do online is recorded somewhere and has the potential to be used for you (targeted advertising) or against you (by governments, issurance companies, potetnial employers).

What are Iam views?

Everything written on the internet is recorded in a backup form.
Anything you write your name on or sign up for in any way, is used for some sort of monetary gain, whether it's on the internet or not.

Yes I post pictures of myself. The main reason I am not really worried about this is because I am not in the military. Most people in a military or government position are advised not post pictures of themselves or family, as it can be used against them in interrogation situations.

Potential risks are being emailed a bunch of junk mail. You will also be included in many statistics, and marketing techniques. Your information can also be used against you in many cases (legal and non legal), nearly too many to list.

All the facebook hates really amuses me tbh. If you dont like it, dont use it. Simple


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